I forgot to bring my camera yesterday so no pic of the warping for the band above - there was lots of playing taking off from the original design.
Here is the loom after warping for today's weaving - different style of warping than we did for yesterday - nice to learn two techniques - yes, that's my yummy cookie snack to keep me fortified for the workshop......there were lots of snacks all weekend.....lots......
Today's weaving were Egyptian diagonals - very fun (that little block was not a part of this class but John demo'd it on my loom - I'll be trying this out in the not too distant future)
More of the diagonals - this one a snowflake pattern
I don't remember the name of this pattern but I love it - it's included in a book John sells on Egyptian diagonals.....
.....as is this pattern. Very fun workshop - learned so much and am now enthused over cardweaving