This is the merino I spun at the fair this week. It was roving I dyed in the primary colors which then blended where they met to form secondary colors. I was curious how it would spin up. I took half the roving and drafted it out to spin long repeats of colors. Then I split the remaining roving into thinner strips so the repeats would be shorter. I then plied them together. I'm anxious to see how this knits up into socks.
We had the best wool judge ever for the fleeces this year. She's from Washington and is a sheep grower, a shearer, a spinner and knitter in addition to judging. She actually took time with each fleece talking about it's pros and cons - we hope she comes back next year.
This week is catch up week here at home but first a day trip to the coast today to get away from the heat and smoke (from CA fires). The Festival of the Arts is going on in Brookings on the harbor boardwalk so we'll take Bailey over to browse the booths, then go play on the beach.