But this isn't the next fiber to be spun - decided I'm in a purple mood so I went and pulled out from the Ashland Bay stash (that I sell) some Merino/Tussah in the Concord colorway. I really wanted to spin the Yellow colorway but I sold the last of it and it's been discontinued - guess that will teach me for not setting some aside. I love yellow! But pack to the purple....I think this will eventually become a shawl, knit or woven, don't know yet. I've got a pound to spin....and I guess I'll have to add this to my next order since it's the last of what I have in stock. 
But before I start that spinning I've got plying to do - some beautiful handpainted merino I recently started on. It was one of those colorways that as soon as it came out of the dyepot I put it aside for myself. Dusty grey blues and dusty purple. So, off to the wheel..............

This post definitely tempts me to try spinning again. Such beautiful fiber...and I know you'll make amazing yarn from it!