Sunday, March 28, 2010

Celtic towels

The celtic knot fingertip towels are finally hemmed and ready to go, 14 in all, 2 of each color. Eight of these are going to a fingertip towel exchange comprising of members of six guilds in Southern Oregon, the others will be gifts or for sale.

Spent a couple days up north visiting a friend at the end of the week so no fiber stuff happened for a few days. Yesterday finished up the paperwork to go with the towel exchange, got the towels pinned and worked on hemming them last night and this morning. Usually I machine hem towels for sale but hand hemming looks so much nicer and since most of these are going to other weavers I wanted to hand hem them. Yesterday I also got my table loom warped for an upcoming summer & winter workshop, actually only had to wind the warp on the back beam, will be threading heddles & reed after the workshop starts and we design our own threading.

Started working on planning a project for one of the guild challenges that's due in May - recycled weaving - will post pictures once there's something to show. Other guild challenge isn't due until June so have a bit of time to still think about that one.


  1. The towels are just lovely! Good gosh, your e-mail of what's up this coming week exhausted me just reading it....

  2. So very pretty all lined up in a row!
    I noticed that there was some lovely tracking in the close up you did a while back. Did the tracking stay in the plain weave portion, or did it iron out? I thought that the tracking really added interest to the towel and hope it remained.


I love your comments - thank you!