Saturday, January 2, 2010

Beautiful Fabrics

Theresa made a comment in my last post about lack of 'true' fabric stores in our area. Here is one that used to be open here in Grants Pass, OR but has since closed. BUT Textile Connection is online and owns the building the fabric store was/is in so fabric is still there and she will open up by appointment so fabric can be fondled before buying. She's got an incredible selection of fabric from all over the world and the prices are very reasonable.


  1. Oh my word! There are some incredible fabrics there.
    I never knew. It's probably a good thing. I could never walk out of there empty handed but I sure could empty out the checkbook. Beautiful Cindie. I now know where to go for something really special.

  2. Thanks so much for the link, Cindie. I've been there (a long time ago), but had forgotten the name. I've got it bookmarked now, now that I actually need fabric. One resolution for the New Year is to Sew!


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