Thursday, December 12, 2019


I'm surfacing for a bit. Life has been overwhelming and I just haven't had anything to say. I'm going to try to make an effort to get back to blogging in the new year......if it doesn't happen then I guess it wasn't meant to be and I'm not going to fret over it.

I did recently finish up a towel warp. I've woven this draft before but this time I just didn't care for the results as much - not sure why as I used the same size threads - the only difference is previously it was all cotlin, this time unmercerized cotton. They're ok, just not as pleased as I was with the first batch. The rest of what I've been working on are gifts...….finished, wrapped, shipped - hurray! One of these years I'm going to go straight from Thanksgiving to New Years and skip everything in-between........yep, sound like a scrooge but not really, just overwhelmed and stressed...….

We were on the coast recently - Misty sure knows how to relax.....she's either running flat out or she's snoozing like this, not much in-between.....she wears me out.


  1. Give yourself a break-be as mind to you as you would be to a good friend. You deserve it! Love that last shot of the dog.

  2. I'm sorry it's been a tough year for you. I'm with you on that-I'd like to see the end of 2019. I hope that it will be a better year for us both! Lovely weaving, as usual! It's amazing how much energy a golden can have-we walk ours, and then when we get home, she runs circles around and around the yard. If only we could adsorb some of that energy somehow....

    1. You'd think after a long walk they'd take a nap but nope, still as energetic as before the walk.


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