Friday, February 28, 2025

Still here, still creative........

 I am still here, just haven't been motivated to post about my creative life.  I have been busy since I last posted - knitting, sewing, quilting, weaving and spinning.  I created holiday gifts and holiday cards.  I worked on a special project all last year of a handwoven calendar which I gifted - 12 different handwoven fabrics.  Sorry no photos of any of it right now, I got ticked by a box that came up from google when I tried to upload photos asking for permission to do more with cookies - nope, tired of being tracked so much, no privacy anymore. 

I'm on the fence on if I'll continue to blog but I do come to my blog dashboard on a daily basis to read other blogs I follow. For the time being my blog will stay just in case I want to post in the future.  I am not on facebook, instagram or any other social media and intend to keep it that way. 

I'm afraid if I start posting again I may get too political.  I'm embarrassed by what's happening in this country originating in the White House.  I'm also very scared for the country and all who live in it. I did not vote for that wanna-be dictator this last time or the time before, or the time before that. That's all I have to say, or should say, about the subject..........

I hope all who read this are spending much of their time enjoying being creative - I know it helps keep me sane and is a lifesaver.  I'm finding there are so many projects I want to work on but so little time. Goal for the remainder of the year is to make sure I don't fritter too much time to interfere with the fun things in life. 

The best to you all.........thank you for reading over the years.