We spent 4 days on the coast in the RV, Beverly Beach, just north of Newport, OR - great weekend away and the weather couldn't have been more perfect, short sleeve sunny weather at the end of October. I did get some knitting done in-between tea luncheon at The Tea Party, gallery hopping, walks on the beach and even a trip to the outlet stores in Lincoln City. I found that I can start and finish a hat on the drive over, and that's even with putting down the knitting on the curvier roads so I don't get carsick. So, these 4 hats are knit with Boku (Plymouth Yarn) - each hat only took 1 skein. I have another hat started and 1 more skein waiting in the wings. I'm thrilled with this yarn - I usually knit these hats with Noro Kureyon or Noro Silk Garden but the Boku is approx half the price and just as nice. Now to decide which to keep for myself!!!
On another note - I'm way behind in getting items up in my etsy shop - picture taking takes so much time but it's on my to-do list for this next week...........hopefully.
Oops - almost forgot - I'm teaching another class next month - Needlefelted Christmas Ornaments. The class will be held at Llamas & Llambs Boutique (see the link in the left column) on November 15th - $30. Space is limited so contact the shop directly to sign up.