
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Black Sheep Gathering

Yesterday morning at o'dark-thirty friend Pat and I left for the day to travel a couple hours north to the Black Sheep Gathering. I used to go spend the entire weekend up there in Eugene for it but have gotten away from it for a number of years - I think I've only gone twice for a day trip in the past 6-7 years. It's a great event, but maybe for me it follows to close behind attending the nwrsa conference so I just don't feel like going, at that point I've had my fiber event fill for the month. Anyhow, it was a fun day, got some visiting in with other fiber friends, took a class, but spent very little money.....I just don't need a thing.......

I took a half day bow weaving class from Marilyn Romatka with hopes that it would make a good weaving guild program for this next year. It was fun and Marilyn was a great teacher, very concise and easy to understand.....which comes from teaching middle school age kids. Our bows were made of 4 ft dowels, paper clips and duct tape - ingenious.

Here's my bracelet in progress - it's being woven in an approximately 5/2 cotton yarn using size 6 beads. This was a 4 hour class jammed into 3 hours so we didn't finish our bracelets that wrap around the wrist twice but got close. (all those threads hanging out are where I spliced in new thread, they'll get woven  in once I'm finished) We did get a good tutorial on how to finish and add the findings. I don't know how much of this I'll do but I really enjoyed it and will have fun sharing it with my guild members.

I did very little shopping in the vendor hall - I just don't need a thing. Then friends Linda and Kathie showed me the gradient yarn they bought from Black Trillium for shawls so I had to go back and pick out a pack for myself. It was a really hard decision as there were so many beautiful colors but I went with a dusty plum.


  1. What beautiful yarn. I would have succumbed too!

  2. Wasn't it nice to have all the vendors in the big air conditioned arena rather than that hot old barn?

    The Shepherd got 6th & 3rd place ribbons on his Shetland lamb fleeces and mature fleeces and ended up getting a very darling ewe lamb to keep our singleton from this year company.

    I really didn't need anything either, but succumbed to all the beautiful jewel toned roving that was there! Tina

  3. Hi Cindie. Ah, yes, Black Sheep Gathering. I didn't need a thing either, but $350 later, I have enough fiber to last 3 or more years till I go again. After I fix the leather band on my spinning wheel, which broke last night. Rats. Haven't checked in with your blog for a while, it's lovely!


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