
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A bit of this and that......

We got back from 4 days on the coast yesterday - beautiful cool weather in the 60's  just over the coastal range from home where it's in the 90's......soon to be 100's.  I finished getting the loom warped with the cottolin and got 4 of the 12 towels woven. I'm thinking autumn colors in this warp.

The tile backsplash is finished - Sam did a great job. I still would have been happier with painted (seaglass green) beadboard but I let him have this one - he really wanted tile. So the kitchen is finished other than the floor, that will be done when we install the floors in the entire house.......which is after we paint all the window/door trim and doors.........ACK. I'm now scouring second hand shops for some pretty plates to hang on the soffits above the cabinets on both sides of the fridge - it needs some color up there. And I should remind you I do work on the house too - I painted all those kitchen cabinets......and soon will be painting trim, windows and doors throughout the entire house....good thing it's a small house.......

 Walking on the beach Tuesday morning I spotted a familiar sight - the Good Year blimp....

 ....not a familiar sight in these parts but growing up in the DC area we used to see them all the time......
....the guess is that this one was on it's way south after being at the US Open up in the Puget Sound. That building to the left is the top floor of a wonderful restaurant down the hill from our place, Edgewaters. The building up on the bluff is a coast guard office - they can see down the inlet to the ocean for there which is important as sometimes it's way too rough for boats to go in and out.

Good things:
.......being on the coast for 4 days in cool weather......
.......Dreyer's Ice Cream was on sale so I picked some up today.....
.......air conditioning......

Bad things:
.......not being on the coast as the extended 10 day outlook is for 100+ temps with 108-110 forecast for Friday and Saturday.......and thunderstorms starting Friday......which are not like thunderstorms in other areas of the country with drenching rain, ours are dry and lead to forest fires......
......Fireworks have gone on sale - I have never understood in an area with such a threat of forest fire that we're allowed to buy and shoot off fireworks, really stupid.......
......Dreyer's Ice Cream was on sale so I picked some up today......
......I got a notice for jury duty in the mail today - my third time since living in Oregon, Sam has never been called, I know people who have lived here their entire lives and never been what's with that.....even though they say it's random via DMV and Voter's Registration I really think I'm on a short list........

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