
Thursday, June 18, 2015

A great day at the sewing machine.......

 I had another very fun day sewing/quilting. I'll just have to set aside the things I'm supposed to do more often and sew. Above is a finished mat, this one is the centerpiece/table mat. I figured I'm experiment with this one rather than one of the six placemats. After I got it quilted I quickly ran to the computer to find out how to do mitered corners on the binding as I've never done them before. What did we do before the internet and YouTube???  Anyhow, found a great video of a lovely British woman demo'ing how to do the binding. I think I did ok for my first time. I gave thought to hand-sewing it on the back side but then figured I'd stitch in the ditch and do the entire thing on the machine.

Here on the left is the finished centerpiece mat. In the center is a placemat (see I made the seaglass color border a bit narrower) that's been quilted awaiting binding, On the right is the next placemat going to the machine for quilting. I should be able to finish all six placemats up plus serge some matching napkins in one more day.......but sadly, I do have other things on the agenda for the next several days........but this project is well on it's way to being finished and the future a picture will follow showing them in use on the table.......

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