
Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th

Happy 4th to everyone. I wish you all a safe 4th of July as you celebrate our nation's birthday with fun BBQ's, picnics, time on the water and the boom and sparkle of fireworks.

In the 22 years I've lived in SW Oregon I've never been able to figure out why fireworks are legal - extreme fire danger and pyrotechnics don't mix. Keep your fingers crossed that all areas of the country susceptible to fire danger are kept safe this holiday.......Napa Valley in CA sure could use all our positive thoughts. And keep those in the hurricane's path in your thoughts too - I'm sure many a fireworks display planned for tonight has been cancelled.

Happy 4th


  1. I agree that having fireworks when there's such extreme fire danger is silly. I hope you woke up to no fires or smoke in the distance.

  2. I agree that that doesn't make much sense. Good luck!


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