
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Back in stock

I've been playing catch-up today since I had been away.......boxing up and mailing orders, weighing out alpaca/merino/tussah roving so I could restock my etsy shop and also putting together more Felting Landscapes kits for my etsy shop in the Purple Mountains Majesty colorway - I sold out of both of these recently.

I labeled cones from a recent UKI order - the order arrived right before I left on my trip and cones were laying all over the studio floor. I put a label on the inside of each cone with the type of fiber, yards per pounds, price per pound including shipping cost per pound, where the fiber came from (in this case UKI) and the date. This is valuable information when I'm planning projects for cost of materials sold information. I weigh my cones before I start a project and weigh them at the end to see how much yarn I've used........I'm very used to using the metric system for this so it's always on the gram scale. I've got some wonderful new colors to use on the next towel warp that goes on the loom.

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