
Monday, July 7, 2014

4th on the coast

Ultimate laziness or just plain worn out - we didn't feel like walking down the hill to watch the fireworks at the water's edge. When the first boom happened I went out in the front yard to see if we could see the fireworks over the trees - well, yes, we could, perfect view from the sidewalk in the front yard. There is a power line in the pix but I never noticed it while watching them. Bailey even got to go out and watch - he thought it was grand, his tail wagged the entire time. My little camera did ok, wasn't expecting much.

A huge, I mean huge, barge is coming into the harbor to dredge to keep it open for fishing and pleasure craft going in and out to the ocean. It's sitting right where the Coquille River meets the Pacific Ocean.

Here is it as it's making a turn at the inlet. I wish I had gotten a picture of one of the fishing boats that passed by it to show just how immense this barge is.

Bailey's ready to play fetch the stick on the beach......well, almost ready.......

Get that stick Bailey

Run Bailey Run
Pushing Bailey to his limit - he doesn't like the water touching his belly - what a water dog he is. Come to think of it, our last golden didn't want to get above her knees wet - I thought golden's were water dogs......

Success - and he's not letting go of it
Oh, life is good

Now back into the heat - 100+ in the valley



  1. What a great view of the fireworks! As for Bailey, I'm wondering how you get him clean -- does he get a bath when he gets home?

    1. Nah, no constant bathing for Bailey - it would be a daily thing........


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