
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Still here.........

Still here.......been busy visiting and having fun.  Friday a few carloads of fiber folks from down here headed north to the Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival.  We had a great time in spite of the rain - not just rain but driving rain, sideways rain, rain in sheets, with hurricane force winds. Very sad for the outdoor vendors at OFFF. There seemed to be a good turnout in spite of the rain but I'm positive as many folks showed up or stayed all day long like usual.

We ate at some great restaurants - Sushi Track and Dar Essalam, a Moroccan restaurant - oh my goodness, how yummy.....both in Wilsonville, OR.

Friends Diane & Gary from Idaho came to OFFF and then followed me home Sunday, we had a great visit......but alas, they had to head home this morning so the house is quiet and I'm already missing them.

Today I will play catch up....and maybe take a nap. I need to finish up my 'R' photos so I can get them posted in the next couple of days - have 2 more pix to take.

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