
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Photography Challenge - Q is for.......

Here is this week's alphabet photography challenge - Q is for......  I can't believe this challenge that Benita came up with is almost over - only 9 more weeks left.


Quacker - this is a little quacker for the bathtub - I get one every year when I buy the Twin Quack package for the Duck Race down the Rogue River that was this past Saturday. This is a benefit for the community - each year they pick 3 charities. There were almost 10,000 ducks bought this year at $10 each.....and once again I won nothing.......

....and here's a giant Quacker, one of many set up around town enticing everyone to buy ducks.

Quail - yeah, it's a fake one, our last property had quails, this one doesn't

Qwerty (thanks to Nadine for this idea)

Quote - friend Kathy G made this for me one year for Christmas - it had cookies too.

Quilt - crazy quilt to be exact. Sam's maternal grandmother, Grandma Wells, made this quilt. It's hand-stitched and made out of old shirts and pants. I display this quilt on a black quilt rack in our entry way - it's very fragile so special care is taken with it. I have another crazy quilt she made but that one was newer brighter colors and stitched using a machine......newer as in probably still well over 60 years old.

Quilt close-up - the quilt is dated with hand embroidery - 1928. Those are Sam's Mom's initials - Daisy. There are initials for 5 others on the quilt - I'm betting Sam doesn't know who they all belong to but I think it's time to figure that out and put a label on the back of the quilt. I think one is his Uncle Leslie and Uncle Ronnie - not sure about the others. Other than Daisy I never met any of her other siblings and Sam's grandparents were long gone before we met.



  1. What a great quilt. I'll definitely take a close look at it the next time I visit. Looks like Grandma Wells was an original upcycler!

  2. Great Q round up, and don't forget your own VERY pretty quilt!

  3. What a wonderful Quirky collection of Qs, Cindie :) Your creativity encourages me to complete more creative projects myself!
    Thanks from Gracie :)

  4. Bravo! Clever and creative take on q's. And I adore your antique quilt!


I love your comments - thank you!