
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Photography Challenge - R is for.......

It's that time of the week again for the photography challenge - this week's letter is R - I didn't get the all important photo of the Rogue River and just couldn't get myself out of the house today to get one.

Rustic Italian Baguette in a bread store

Rusted iron skillet at neighbor Carol & Merle's house - love all the fun outside décor they've got

Rabbit - Jack rabbit to be exact sitting in the front yard

Remember back in the O photos my friend Patricia's dog Odin appeared and I said his brother would be coming up - well, this is Reilly. This is actually a photo of the wine label made in Reilly's honor called Reilly Red. Reilly was adopted from the Rogue Valley Humane Society

Retriever - of course Bailey wasn't going to miss his chance this week


  1. More "r" -- "rain," "red," "radish," "ruler," "ratatouille," "relish," "ranch dressing," "rascal" (Sam or Bailey), "rug"

  2. I like your R photos. Especially, the jack rabbit. That's so cool that they not only come into your yard but that you were able to get a photo. I love jack rabbits!

    1. Well I couldn't go out the door and get close to it - I took the photo through the kitchen window and it just seemed to be looking at me and posing.

  3. I enjoyed seeing all of your R photos, but especially the last one of Bailey...I just want to hug and pet him :)

  4. OOOO, baguettes, I'm hungry. Bailey is very photogenic! The wine label is so neat.

  5. I always look to see if Bailey will make it into the photo session and I am glad to see that he did!


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