
Sunday, July 28, 2013

The good and the bad.....

The good news is that finally the temps have come down a bit - it's just 81 out as I type this as opposed to the 100's it's been......but bad news is there is no being outside or having windows open to enjoy it because we are socked in with heavy smoke at ground level from the many fires in our area. Even with air conditioning running we both have headaches, are a little weezy and eyes are burning. I hear the tankers and copters flying over but can't see them through the smoke, very eerie feeling. Information is posted to the many sites I check for fire updates but not often enough to make me feel better. Just read where the fire in Galice, just west of us, has grown to 1500 acres, not a good thing, too close for comfort. And there's the fire up Pickett Creek which is up the ridge from the river a mile from us - I hear practically nothing on that so am hoping they're getting a handle on that one or are at least holding the ridge. The bigger fires are around 15 miles to the north and many evacuations last night and many more just a bit ago. It seems overwhelming to have so many fires going at once and firefighters coming in from all over the country.......been here, done that before with the Biscuit Fire 10 years ago when 500,000 acres burned near us. Trying to keep my mind on other things but am finding it difficult........


  1. Oh my gosh...the smoke sounds horrible! I feel so bad for you! How weird to not be able to see the helicopters and tankers that you can hear overhead! I sure hope they can get the fires under control and out soon. And, that you get relief from that smoke soon. Take care and be safe!

  2. My heart goes out to you Cindie. I remember the Biscuit Fire all too well.
    I was at an event beside the Rogue near GP yesterday evening and the white tablecloths were dotted with falling ash.

  3. Cindie, I just found your blog today while I was reading, my UK blogging friend, Sarah Cross' blog. While I have not read all of your posts, yet, I look forward to doing so. The only things I have woven are friendship bracelets and potholders, and I am not gifted in knitting, crochet, and spinning, but I love to fiddle with those and other crafts.

    Ten years ago I lived in Crescent City during the Biscuit fire and I am so sorry you are in the midst of such fearful and uncomfortable circumstances now. I am praying that the fires will soon be under control without further damage to property and people.

    Blessings to you and yours,
    Gracie xx


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