
Saturday, July 27, 2013

SW Oregon on fire......

I just returned from 3 days on the sunny, cool, clear blue sky Oregon coast.......what I returned to is SW Oregon on fire. While on the coast I heard about the dry lightening storm that went through our area - over 3000 lightening strikes, over 100 fires started. As we got closer to the Grants Pass area we could see the huge plumes of smoke and the air tankers dropping retardant. There are fires to the north, south and west of our house - I'm waiting to get the update for the day of how things went which I'm guessing was not good since it's windy. The smoke here at our house is horrendous - I may not be doing much outside this week even though the temps are supposed to come down to the upper 80's rather than 100. Send positive thoughts our way.............


  1. Yikes! Stay safe! I'll be praying that they'll be able to get them all out soon.

  2. Groan. I'm so sorry. That just sucks.

  3. Scary -- must be very stressful. I'm glad you have the Bandon house to retreat to. Stay safe.

  4. Wish I could send my ready to rain cloudy skies your way, altho BC is rating the fire hazard at extreme just now. Will send them south after we are done with them. Stay safe.


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