
Monday, July 29, 2013

Fire sunrise

Sunrise this morning. Sunrise and sunsets are brilliant during a forest fire although we had no sunset to see the past couple of nights as smoke was too thick. This morning I'm actually seeing Mt. Sexton from the deck, little smoke to the east at the moment......too smokey to see anything to the north, south & west and we're pretty socked in with low smoke at the house.


  1. I know just how you feel Cindy, having lived in the Okanagan for 25 years I understand just how scary it is to see and smell the smoke so close to your home. My thoughts are with you and my fingers are crossed!

  2. Hoping for big improvements today! Take care!

  3. I hope that the fires don't get any closer to your house and that the smoke clears away. Stay safe!

  4. An eerie beauty, isn't it. I'm asking God for quick containment of the fire and fresh air for all to breathe!
    Gracie xx


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