
Thursday, January 10, 2013

This and that........

Haven't been posting because I haven't been doing much lately - getting sidetracked from weaving - I think being in front of the fire during these cold freezing fog days and now snow today has been more inviting. I've been spinning, a little knitting. I want to weave - I just don't seem to get to the loom - that gingko leaf warp is still on the AVL waiting to be woven off after I wove the first scarf, cut it off, washed it and sent it off to be (hopefully) judged into a traveling exhibit.
I thought I'd share a few things I made for gifts since they are mostly delivered. Above is a pair of knit wrist warmers from The Woodsy Association pattern by Tiny Owl Knits - I bought the kit for all the critters thru Knit Picks. I also knit two more pair that I forgot to take pictures of - one pair with a buck on each one, one with raccoons. I have a lot of yarn from the kit so I'll eventually be making more of these. There was an option for this pattern to do intarsia or duplicate stitch - I started out doing intarsia and realized with so many stitches of one color here and there that it would be better to do duplicate stitch. They turned out great. I did need to wear reading glasses and use an Ott light to work on the dark backgrounds though.
These are some flour sack breadcloths I embroidered for the breadmakers and future breadmaker in my life - I made the skull/crossbones style for the guys. I still need to make my own.....maybe next week......
And after a many year hiatus inklings have made a return. This year it's "She Sells Sea Shells". If you go to my December 1, 2011 post you'll see a small tree filled with all the different inklings I've made over the years. I guess I just needed a break from them, no lack of ideas/themes.....who knows, maybe there will be another one next year. 
Now off to sit in front of the fire to spin some of that roving I divided up by colorway from my previous post. I've already got 2 of the 4 colorways spun and plied - love the way they look - will post a picture once all 4 are done.


  1. Such wonderful gifts and love the little inkling! I agree, it seems like all I want to do is curl up and be warm and relaxed in the comfy chair, watching the snow fly.

  2. Cindie, the owl wristlets are so cute! Love your little inkling she is adorable! Enjoy your spinning time.


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