
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Some plying to show....

Finally I have something to share and I haven't been able to upload pictures to the blog. I would leave and come back to it and still no luck, the browse button wouldn't come up to browse for a picture. Finally I navigated my way to the google help forum, not as easy as it should be, posed my question and saw many others using Internet Explorer were having the same issue and that pictures could be uploaded through the HTML button rather than the Compose button until the issue is remedied. Just pointing this out in case anyone else is having the same problem.
It's been so cold and raw here that I decided rather than weaving I'd spin in front of the fire. I finished spinning this beautiful Karaoke which is a blend of soy silk and merino. I'm not sure yet what it will become - I've got 540 yards of fingering weight yarn. This was out of my stash, something I bought from Janis Thompson of Dyelots in Eugene.
Then I moved on to plying this blue face leciester that I have not been happy spinning - it's a bit too clownish colorwise for, why did I buy this colorway anyhow??? This is also from my stash and was dyed by Dicentra Designs. I've got 681 yard plyed so far, the same amount left to spin. It would make some wild sox.....will be giving it more thought.
In the meantime I decided not to spin the rest of it in the usual fashion. I pulled the painted roving apart at the color joins and came up with 4 piles of colorways, predominately yellow, blue, coral and purple. I'm going to spin and ply each pile separately to come up with a mostly solid color with bits of the adjoining colors - I've done this before and loved the results. Maybe these 4 mostly solids could be good accents to the above crazy yarn. Will probably work on this spinning in the evenings as I get back to weaving. I have a goal to spin a bit more this year, and not to always be tempted by my latest dyeing but to also spin up fiber from my stash that has been sitting for way too many years.


  1. Thanks for posting about the picture issue. I haven't experienced it but I just read another blogger's post about having that problem. So, I sent her a link to your blog to help her out.

    I love your karaoke yarn. It's beautiful! I saw another blog that had spun roving that was dyed in similar colors as your BFL but it had white in between each block of color. It turned out gorgeous. The primary colors didn't turn up at all and neither did the white. I think the white blended with each color making beautiful blues, pinks, purples, soft yellows, etc. When it was plied together, it was amazing. I wish I could provide a link but he made his blog private. But, right now...until the front of his blog can go to and see a tiny's the second one from the right. I like your idea of using the separated colors as accents to the yarn you already made. I really need to get back to spinning!

  2. Thanks for the link to cabin cove - I went to check out the yarn and saw the tiny picture - lovely colors. Beautiful snow pictures on the front page too!


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