
Saturday, January 12, 2013

More spinning.........

Remember the ugly bright handspun I posted a few days back?  I wasn't thrilled with it so I pulled apart the rest at the color separations and spun each color on it's own. Here's what it looks like all spun up - I love this - wish I had done it with the entire lot. I love the almost solids. Not sure what this and the original handspun will become - they'll sit on the shelf and marinate for a while.
I'm usually not big on British shows although I loved Doc Martin, but that's because it was so quirky. I had been ignoring Downton Abbey thinking it wouln't be my thing but I was hooked part way through the first episode. This is why I got all this spinning done - I sat and watched all 7 episodes of the first season on Netflix the past two unlike me to sit in front of the tv during the day. Now I need to find season 2, I know I can rent it, I'm dvr'ing season 3 which is on PBS right now.
I'm still having trouble posting pictures on blogger, can't do it in the compose mode, only in the html mode. I checked the blogger forum yesterday and still no solution to the problem, weird thing is that the problem is only for those using Internet Explorer, but it doesn't affect everyone using it.


  1. turned out so pretty! I love it! Happy colors! :-)

  2. I so agree with you, Cindie, the "new" skeins are a vast improvement (IMHO) over the wild one ! I also have a few fibre-bundles on the "wild-side" (a couple from D.D., as well). They truly fall under....."what WAS I thinking??"). You have enlightened me on how I will now spin these. Thank you!
    Today is sunshine, blue sky, and sitting just below freezing........a PERFECT day for a nice long walk, followed by homemade soup and bread for dinner and an evening of spinning and knitting by the woodstove.
    Keep warm.

    1. Gail, if you have a blog I'd love to see pictures posted of what you eventually do with your 'wild' rovings. And yes, mine was a 'what was I thinking' was in the sale bin.....she has so many other colorways that aren't so wild, should have been more selective....always learning.....

  3. Yes, sometimes a bargain really isn't a bargain without some creative thinking attached ! I need to be more selective in my future purchases. LOL
    I don't have a blog......have thought about it a time or two, however, I am just afraid I would get started then have nothing of interest to say! I follow several really good blogs, in addition to yours. I suppose you could say that I "spend" my blogging time reading not writing. :-) If I get some wild rovings spun before Conference, I will try to remember bring them to show you.

    1. Would love to see them if you get to them in the near future! I've got some others from Great Balls of Fiber in lovely colorways that I separated a couple years ago - maybe I should pull those out to spin soon.

  4. I've bought several things from DD, usually from the sale bin.

    I did something similar with a roving that was dyed lengthwise in 3 colors that, IMHO, did not belong together. Separated them out and spun them. Still figuring out what I will do with them.


I love your comments - thank you!