
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Best laid plans......

It's been so long since I've woven, right before Christmas I got this ginkgo scarf woven, cut it off and left the remainder of the warp hanging there waiting to be tied back on and woven off (this pic shows front and back of the scarf). So today I finally had time to weave in-between running up and down the stairs doing laundry. This morning I got orders boxed up and mailed, laundry going and then finally to the loom. I wanted to tweak my draft a bit to add some more rows in-between the 2nd and 3rd row of ginkgos (looking from bottom to top on the right side of the photo above). I fired up the AVL, was spreading out my warp and I noticed harness #40 was not lifting - argh! I must have shut down everything and restarted 10 times over the period of a couple hours hoping it would work - no luck. I do have the issue when I start up and press the pedal for the first time harness #40 will lift, then come down and go into the pattern with no issue - this time it did that but then wouldn't lift for the pattern, I even pulled up another pattern to check that and no go. What a waste of my day fooling with this. When Sam gets home from work he'll look down into the dobby box when I start up the loom to make sure the solenoid is firing. If we can't figure it out I'll shoot off an email to my wonderful AVL remote tech Melody. So much for technology........hope you all have had a more productive day........

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