
Thursday, June 4, 2015

It's been a long time......

 It's been a long time since these socks were cast on........can't say exactly how long since I'm too lazy to go back and look on this blog but somewhere around 1 1/2 years, give or take. When I pulled out my knitting bag and saw that I was still on the first sock I decided they needed to be knit and off the needles. I love feather and fan but I didn't really enjoy knitting the pattern in these glad they're done........

So, a new pair of socks are on the needles and is this color way ever fun. These and another pair in a different color way will be knit as simple socks, as in no patterning. These won't be on the needles as long since I can knit on these even while in the car. These and the other color way in this Regia Fluormania are to be gifts but I'm loving the bright colors so much I might have to buy another skein to knit myself a cheery would these be on a dreary winter day.........

On another note - fire season starts tomorrow......we're in our third year of's going to be another long ugly fire season.........

1 comment:

  1. Oh those are sweet feather and fan socks. Pretty colors. Whoa! That's some bright sock yarn. Not only would it cheer one up, you could light your way with them on at night.... ;-)


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