
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Boring black.....

Today I put a black rayon chenille warp on the loom - kind of boring photo wise, boring to weave but I watched/listened to dvr'd stuff on tv so it was ok - just nice to be weaving. These scarves will have silkscreened discharge designs. In November I'm giving a repeat of my program on surface design to the other guild in our area and need some 'full size samples' to show - I've only got my small samples in my notebook. So, I'll discharge these, will do some more weaving and maybe use some stencils with Paintstiks, dye some silk scarves and embellish them with surface design, who knows what I'll come up with between now and then. I've got many techniques to show, it would be nice to have more than just a handful of finished pieces to show along with my notebook samples.


  1. Oh Cindie, I never noticed you had a maple Jenkins shuttle just like fact it is my favorite shuttle. You better hide that thing the next time I visit.....
    Can't wait to see the scarf once the design is discharged into it!

    1. Oh, it's not a Jenkins - it's one of my many Bluster Bay shuttles which I love more than any other shuttle I've used (and still own) in 29 years of weaving. I pick mine not by wood but by weight as I like a light shuttle.


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