
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Roving for sale

Today I took this newly dyed roving plus some others from another 2 days of dyeing to my spinning group. Thank you friends for lightening my load, even selling out of 2 colorways........I knew I should have put some of each of those aside before I went, I love them both.....oh well.....when I pull out the acid dyes next I'll have to try and duplicate them for myself. Now these are up for sale in my etsy shop.  Such a relief deciding not to dye more roving for sale......hopefully that decision will get me more time at the loom.


  1. The roving is lovely and I would have picked those sold out earth tones with grey myself but I've also seen many of the lovely scarves and such you have woven and good for you deciding to devote more time to what really makes your heart sing and ours too. You are an amazing weaver!

    1. Thanks for the compliment Theresa.

      I'm really sorry I didn't set aside some of each of those sold out colorways for myself but I'll get to enjoy seeing what those in my spinning group create with them.......I guess that makes me feel better...... :-)


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