
Monday, September 1, 2014

Another use for roving.

The first time, a couple years ago, that someone contacted me via my etsy shop asking how much roving it takes to make a baby blanket prop I was clucless.  I am not of the baby making age, neither are my friends so I'm not up on the latest and greatest in baby photography. I soon learned about it as more and more photographers and new moms bought roving from me.  One of the latest is Cherye who has been purchasing different colors of roving for her daughter-in-law to use in her photography business - Michelle Dickson Photography. She kindly told me I could share these photos if I'd like.......I thought there might be others out there like me that are clueless on the latest baby fads.

Is this precious or what? All Michelle's photos are sweet as can be. I wonder who came up with the idea to use the roving as a photography's very creative and so fun.

And look at this one - so beautiful. Cherye is now making the beautiful little headbands used in the photos.

I hope I gave you a smile this morning looking at these sweet little babes.


  1. Pretty stinking cute. My crew wants to know how much it would take to for all of them to have a roving bed! ;->

  2. Too precious! You forget how darn cute babies are--when they're asleep!

  3. How creative, and what beautiful baby photos!

  4. Very cute! I never would have thought of using roving to lay a baby on. Interesting idea.


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