
Monday, July 14, 2014


I've made some progress on the tencel warp put on the loom yesterday. I finally cried 'uncle' due to the heat. Scarf #3 will have to wait and since I haven't decided on the weft color yet that's ok. I got some good feedback on colors to consider and tried them out in-between these scarves - the navy blue is a thought but I'm not positive yet. I've been wondering about gold with the red and black, will have to give that a try before starting the final scarf.

Here's the scarf using the same red for the weft as was used in the warp. This is what I'm thinking might interest my customer the most from what she said....or not......   The white grosgrain ribbon is my measuring 'tape'. I have it marked for 60", 65", 68" and 70" - I generally weave a scarf 70". I also have it marked at the midway point for 65" & 70" as there are times when I'm weaving something with a definite direction that I want to reverse mid point in the scarf.

Here's the version with the black weft. I like both of these scarves but the black one is really striking. I love this pattern so much I might just have to weave some towels next using it.  I got the draft out of the Carol Strickler 8 Harness book, pgs 106 & 107 #384-3.

Now off to find something else to work on up here in the air-conditioning...........


  1. Lovely Cindie, just lovely. I like the black weft best myself....

  2. For what it is worth, my vote is for the black weft - the pattern really pops.

  3. I love the black too...........


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