
Monday, July 14, 2014

New on the loom....

New on the loom yesterday is a black and red tencel warp for 3 scarves. I have a customer wanting that  color combo - not sure if she'll like what I weave or not......if not, she doesn't have to purchase. I usually don't weave custom orders but after thinking about this one decided it might be fun.

Here I'm auditioning weft colors.  I'm definitely using the bottom red weft for one scarf - from the flash of the camera it looks like a different shade of red but it's really the same as the warp.  I'll also weave one scarf using the black for weft - with the flash it's looking more gray here. I haven't decided what to use for the 3rd scarf.......I don't care for the other colors I tried out, 2 different shades of red. I could end up weaving another in the first red or maybe do a combo of red & black.........will decide that when I get to it.

It was so danged hot yesterday that after winding the warp and getting ready to weave I just couldn't sit there anymore to start on the scarves - I need to have so many lights on to see well that it makes it even warmer in the room. After auditioning the wefts I moved on to twisting fringe on 3 scarves woven recently. Will weave today until I get too warm....then will move upstairs to do something else.

And yes, we have air conditioning but it's on the upper level of the house only - there are 2 furnaces in this house (overkill for the size) and only the one upstairs in the main living area (kitchen/dining/living/2 bedrooms) has a heat pump so there's air conditioning upstairs. The lower level is a daylight basement with the garage and 2 more bedrooms/storage area I use for my studio - it has it's own forced air furnace for heat. My thought is the previous owner figured if they used the wood stove insert upstairs in the winter that they'd need to somehow heat the downstairs since the stove heat wouldn't reach there - it does make sense. For the most part downstairs stays cool since it's a (daylight) basement but when we've got numerous days weeks of over 100 it can get stuffy down there once I close the windows for the day after letting the early morning cool air in.


  1. My favorite is the red on red, but I really like that weft that's second from the top. I think today is supposed to be the last one of this high heat - hope so!

  2. Beautiful stuff! Cool how you weave right into the tie on triangles. Good idea. I'm in the chgo area and a newbie to this art. Have to check out your Etsy shop.

    Keep up the good work.
    Tom Z.

    1. I don't like to waste warp so I use very little of it to spread it out when starting to weave. Now in the case of scarves all that warp in the beginning will become fringe. I will quickly & carefully cut out those weft auditions so that warp becomes the fringe of the first scarf. At the end of the warp I'll weave my samples to put with my records and then keep weaving until I can't get a shed anymore. I use those extra bits when making greeting cards, jewelry, sachets or whatever.


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