
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Latest spinning........

I started spinning the Merino/Bamboo/Tussah Silk blend while at the NWRSA conference. It's some of my own hand-dyed roving. I spun up 570 yards out of 8oz. I was hoping there would be enough for one of the knit scarflette patterns I just bought but it's within 5 yards of what's required for the pattern - that's cutting it a little too close for comfort, would hate to run I'll use a different pattern. There is still some of the roving available in my etsy shop if anyone likes it. 

The hot pink was spun from a 1oz  Bling Batt from Eugene Textile Center - I spun it on my baby Turkish spindle - 140 yards. It was very fun to spin and will make a nice addition to a scarf.

1 comment:

  1. Ooo! I can see that pink trimming the purple shawl in my mind's eye! Lovely colors.


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