
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Dad's Day

I'm missing my Dad on Father's Day, brings tears to my eyes to think of him, but it's always with a smile in the background. My Dad was a kind, gentle soul, easy going, always a smile on his face, there couldn't have been a better Dad for me.

Dad was in the Navy from 1947-1952 - stationed in DC, then in New Foundland after my folks got married - he was not a happy camper being stationed up north, he learned to hate lamb, which he called old mutton, it was all they ate for protein.

Dad on my folks wedding day - quite dapper. This was after he changed out of his Navy dress blues. In my eyes my Dad looked like Clint Eastwood.........hmm, maybe that's why I've always been so smitten by Clint, even to this day.........

That's me in Dad's arms in 1956 when I was one year old. He's standing in front of garage where I spent many an hour with him growing up - he taught me how to use hand and power tools - still a valuable education I use to this day.

And here on my first wedding day in 1979 (sorry Sam) this and one of us dancing together are two of my favorites from that day.

This was Dad after we got my folks moved out here to Oregon in 2002, just 5 years before he passed. He was already affected by Alzheimer's although still ok, he eventually didn't want to stay alone but he knew us all, knew what was going on in life, and took it all in stride saying "I used to be able to do that but can't anymore, oh well" - he didn't get angry, just his same easy going personality. Eventually it was cancer that took him from me, it was a hard 6 months but I'm so glad he was here in Oregon and I could help care for him everyday until the end.  Happy Father's Day Dad - I love you.


  1. What a great tribute to an awesome Dad! It sounds like you have some wonderful memories.

  2. It sounds like you had a wonderful dad. It's Mother's Day that gets to me - I miss Mom very much. Luckily, I still have Dad and he turned 71 years young yesterday.

    And every time you use a power tool, you can chalk one up to your dad. :)

  3. I remember walking on the beach with your dad at Cape May. He sure loved the water. I also remember him scowling at Chris. I think he was half kidding (he had a dry sense of humor). He was one of my very favorite uncles. I imagine him and my mom enjoying the afterlife with cigarettes and a nice drink (and laugh).

  4. A touching tribute. Thank you for sharing this with us.


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