
Thursday, March 13, 2014


Yum - this is what was for dinner last night - a flat bread with all my favs. I started with a Trader Joe's fresh whole what pizza dough, topped it with some mozzarella, red bell pepper rings, mushrooms, asparagus, then looked in the fridge for something else and threw on some feta cheese (I'm out of goats cheese and blue cheese or those would have gone on too), some toasted pine nuts.........and then when it came out of the oven I sprinkled it with fresh cilantro.  Well, maybe I didn't sprinkle, I put as much cilantro as I had all over the top, if I had more I would have put more........who doesn't love cilantro??? it makes everything better........kind of like good quality bacon.........yeah, that's bad.........  
I'm am so excited - I won something off another blog, a wood burning kit off Alisa Burke's blog. I haven't used a wood burning tool in years and look forward to making many gifts using it this year. If you've never read Alisa's blog you must go check it out - she is so creative and inspiring - she's on my blog reading list so I don't miss any posts. I'm hoping to find some time this year to get back to drawing a bit........yeah, I know, where does that time come from?  haven't figured that out yet......


  1. Well, I am not a cilantro fan but the rest of the pizza sure sounds yummy! Congrats on the blog score.

  2. I follow Alisa's blog too, and I almost tried to win that tool. So glad you got it!


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