
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Phew, progress made........

Today I spent some time putting together my 12 page handout for the Name Draft weaving guild program I'll be giving/teaching next month. There's a handwoven sample on the front cover, a piece of chocolate in a custom matching wrapper, a pencil with a good eraser, a worksheet and cardstock cut for 'weaving'.  I've got 36 of them ready to go each in it's own sheet protector. I've got references (magazines/book) and a few woven samples in my rolling cart and dry erase markers for the white board I've been assured is at our not the usual meeting place. All I need to do is write myself a few notes. Feels good to have that finished.

Have I ever mentioned the 'WOW' factor when giving a guild program?  Gotta WOW them so if I say or do something stupid they won't remember that - they'll remember the candy, free pencil, handwoven sample, etc. Irma, an older guild member, used to be my gauge on if my guild program was good - if she stayed awake it was a good one (which she always did, thank goodness). Irma has since passed away so I just have to hope I do ok these days, haven't found another guild member that falls asleep if the program bores them.

So........the past 2 hours I've spent thinking/planning future warps to go on the looms........that really felt good as I'm not getting enough weaving time these days.

And then UPS showed up with an Ashland Bay order of roving that will need to be weighed, bagged, labeled and put into inventory.......and since these are new colors I'll need to do photography work. It's not as big an order as usual but still around 50 pounds - it's mostly merino/tussah in test colorways to try out and see how they're received and some limited merino multi-color colorways that I thought would be fun to add to the thousands of pounds of roving already in bins here, what's a few more???  I'm going to choose to ignore that huge box until next week, there are other things on the schedule for the next several days.


  1. Wow! (and double Wow!)
    That sounds like a great program!!

  2. Oh how I wish I could be sitting in the front row to listen to your presentation, I just know I would learn a ton. Irma will be there in spirit and will be cheering you on. If you get a chance I would love to read the notes you are handing out - it would almost be like sitting there. Break a leg!

  3. Hooray! Looks like a winner of a program and best of all, it's done! ;)

  4. Hmmm, after your program maybe you should consider selling how-to kits on Etsy -- or just the downloadable instructions.


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