
Friday, July 19, 2013

Will it never end............

Oh it's going to be a long fire season.......had a call from a dear friend just around 45 minutes ago asking what to do if there's a fire. A fire just broke out 2 miles from her house - she's on the southeast side of town (we're northwest of town). She can hear the crackling at her house. They're already doing updates every 5-10 minutes on the local radio station - the fire is growing, people close to the fire are being evacuated. It's windy out there.........keep my fiber friend and all others in her area in your thoughts.......

I sure hope the fall rains start before the usual late September/early October........


  1. Yikes! Scary! I'll keep your area and all the other fires in my thoughts and prayers. We sure could use rain on the west side of the country!

  2. Bandon is looking better and better, isn't it?

    1. Yes it is!!! There's the possibility of tsunami's but we're upon the bluff area, our house is in the tsunami zone by a block if there's a big offshore earthquake in the northwest but the evac site is down the block so we're pretty safe......we're out of the zone for them if coming across the ocean.

  3. Also, this reminds me of when we used to live in a neighborhood with lots of very large ( > 100 ft) Douglas Firs. During the windy season (Nov-Mar), I would live in fear of a strong windstorm. When one arrived, I'd wait for one of our trees to land on our little house. Then one March, on Easter Day, a freak windstorm swept through the area. When we got back from Easter brunch, we turned into our cul-de-sac and saw a bunch of neighbors gathered a few houses down from ours. A tree had fallen and cut a house in two. Luckily, no one was home. The really weird thing is that all the neighbors were trading stories about times when trees had fallen (or almost fallen) on THEIR houses. When we got inside our house, I turned to Brandon and said, "we're moving." And we did. When we were looking for another house, NO KILLER TREES was my top priority.

    That said, fires are much worse than windstorms, and harder to move away from. But I know what it's like to live with that gnawing anxiety. It sucks!

    1. When we have wind storms I'm always looking at our tall firs & pines too - we've had many fall but not near the house. I try to analyze the ones close enough to the house as to wear they'd fall and most 'look' like they'd fall away from the house.

  4. One more comment -- your posts inspired me to create an Etsy Treasury called "Hooray for Firefighters!" Here's the link:


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