
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Another fire update......

Fire reports are starting to sound good now, they're calling the fire stabilized, I'm not quite sure what that means but it's better than voracious, the description that was being used earlier to describe the fire. Another grass fire started down the road from the first fire but they got that one quickly knocked down. Sam hasn't heard from the friend from work yet who lives in the direct path of the fire, he still wouldn't be able to get home, hopefully he found his wife. The latest report is that 2 houses were scorched, a garage burned, that's incredible since there are quite a few homes in that area.  I did find at the top of the steps on the deck I could see thru 2 tall pines and watch the copters dropping water on the fire.

Once again I have to thank KLDR for updates every 5-10 minutes. And most of all - all the firefighters working out there in the close to 100 degree heat to keep the fire from spreading.....what incredibly dangerous and hard work they do.........   Thank  you for putting up with my venting/worrying........


  1. I can well imagine the sense of inner panic and impending doom!
    Be safe yourself.... And hopefully Hub will be there with you soon.

    I lived in the Okanagan when the fires ran into Kelowna and burnt many homes....then fires cut road access off for us to leave. 2003 was a hell of a summer....

    Thinking of you all there...
    Susan and Bruce

    1. And our last huge fire season was 2002, always fires but nothing of that magnitude since then. We were living south of this house in the thick of it and evacuated for a bit. That fire started in July and burned for months - it wasn't totally out until it snowed.

  2. Cindie, I haven't heard anything on the fire radio this morning, but hoping your blaze has laid down for the night and the crews are able to contain it. Fingers crossed.

    1. Good news on the fire front - when I went to bed, way too late, last night it sounded like they had the fire contained and they opened the roads - I'm assuming today they will just be mopping it up. Phew - too close for comfort. They really jumped on the fire with tons of trucks from all over the area, dozers, firefighters and the final total of 3 copters and 2 tankers.

  3. I just read about the fires in your area. Know you and your community are in my prayers.

  4. Cindie, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Lots of hugs and good thoughts are being sent to you and yours.

  5. So glad you're getting good news on the fire! That's great! And, good news that they got the grass fire out quickly. :-D

    Found out last night that the Mountain Fire near us has become the priority fire in the country. It's still threatening the wonderful mountain community of Idyllwild but it's also closing in on the Palm Springs area. It's now blackened at least three of the peaks and close to half the mountain. So sad!

  6. Cindie, I was hearing helicopters yesterday afternoon and was thinking that conditions are just ripe for fire. Yes, it is very scary living through fire season and we have at least 2 and a quarter months to live through it. Glad you are safe and sound.


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