
Thursday, July 18, 2013


I don't say it on my blog every day but I say it to others - I hate fire season.  Fire season is always bad but this past winter has been exceptionally dry so it's dryer than usual here. This is what is going on right now 3 miles from my house. I went in to town to pick up something for my mother at the store  - I had driven by the fire area just 15 minutes earlier and there was nothing - came out of the store and could see smoke on the other side of the mountain in my area. I called my mother and told her I had to go find out where the smoke was coming from and possibly head back home.

As I was driving I heard on the radio where the fire was, too close for comfort so I headed home. This is the intersection where I had to turn around - both roads leading to my house were closed. It took me over an hour to get home via a different route when normally it would have taken 15 minutes. When I was turning around all of a sudden there was tons of black smoke which means structure - what I've heard is that it's a garage but homes are in danger - people living along there are hosing down their roofs.

At the moment the wind is blowing in the opposite direction of our house which is good for flying embers making it here but of course not good for others. Even though we live high up on a hill I am not seeing the smoke from my deck because that's exactly where the trees have grown and blocked the view. I am hearing the copters with buckets fly over heading to the river to pick up loads.
Word on how the fire started is that a car caught on fire and pulled off the road into the dry grass.....should have just left the car in the middle of the road.
Many thanks to KLDR radio for updates at least every 5 minutes - they were my lifeline in another fire and they are once again so I know what's going on, it's terrible to sit here and know nothing. I also pilfered these pictures from their site - thank you KLDR.


  1. Oh dear, I hope you and yours stay safe and sound.

  2. Sorry to hear about the fire. I hope and pray that they'll be able to get it out quickly. There is a huge fire in our nearby mountains since Monday. It's so horrible. And, we've been dealing with triple digit heat too. Hoping for the best.

    1. I was just watching that CA fire on tv - so scary - that's what always worries me when we have a fire close by - our terrain is just like that.


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