
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Blogiversary Giveaway

Once again I missed my Blogiversary - on July 4th it was 5 years since my first post.........have I said anything important in 5 years, eh, maybe not, but that's the way it goes.

I was thinking it was time for another giveaway from my stash anyhow so in honor of my 5 years of blogging I'm doing it now. I have two great books that I kept thinking I'd get back to but after this many years I realize that's just not going to happen, I just don't have enough hours in my day. I did make a lip balm and lotion out of The Herbal Body Book for gifts one Christmas. Both books are like brand new except for my book label inside the cover. I never used Perfumes, Splashes & Colognes.

All you have to do is write a comment to this post telling me which book you'd like to be in the drawing for, if you're interested in both books tell me that so I put you in both drawings. I'll use to pick the winners next Monday morning (July 22nd). I'll post the winners at some point that day. Please make sure I can't reach you via email for your mailing address if you're a winner - either thru your blog or by leaving an email address in your comment. 


  1. Cindie, I have enjoyed your blog and the boatloads of weaving knowledge you have shared over the years, on and off the blog. Please, don't stop now! Happy Blogversary!!! Oh,and if there is a drawing, the Herbal Body Book is my pick to be included.

  2. Happy blogversary and may you have many more. I always enjoy seeing what you have been up to and love the pictures of Bailey.

    Not necessary to include me in the drawing.

  3. Herbal Body Book would be my choice should I be lucky.
    Happy blogversary. And many more.

  4. Happy blogversary! I love seeing your weavings, and the additions to the beach house.

    I'm most interested in the Herbal Body Book.


I love your comments - thank you!