
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's that time of year again.......

It's that time of year again - time to make Nani's Easter Bread which is just what my cousin Jim and I did today. The recipe makes 10 nice big braided loaves using 5 pounds of flour, many eggs, anise seeds plus the usual other bread making ingredients.
Here's Jim starting the kneading process - it helps big time to have help baking this much bread
Here I am kneading when Jim needed a break
Here are 3 of my loaves ready to start raising. We made 10 loaves total.
Here are the first two of my loaves out of the oven.
Here are more - aren't they beautiful?
What could be better than Nani's Easter Bread warm out of the oven with butter? Not much. Nani, my Italian grandmother, passed away over 13 years ago but her memory will live forever.
Not sure what is up but I'm still having problems uploading pictures to my blog. I need to start the post, publish it and then go back in an edit to get the pictures to upload and sometimes it takes many tries, not sure what happened a couple weeks ago but it's been a challenge.


  1. Wow! Those are beautiful and I can almost smell the aroma all the way out here.

  2. Oh, wow, I can almost taste the one with butter on it. If only! Wonderful loaves of bread.

  3. My Nana passed over 25 years ago. We make what we call "Nana's cake for Easter" This reminded me of my Nana. Thank you for sharing. Are you willing to share the recipe? I'll trade you mine. :)

    1. Since I've had many requests for the Easter bread recipe I'll be posting it within the next few days.


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