
Monday, March 18, 2013

I won a quilt !!!!

I won a quilt - I can't believe it. My friend Diane from Princeton, Idaho told me a month ago that she was selling tickets to a quilt her quilting group had made and she was having trouble selling many in her small town filled with many jobless residents. So, I sent her a check for $20 to buy me tickets. She called last week to tell me I won. My odds weren't that good because they did sell quite a number of tickets - I was just lucky.
Here is it on our bed but this will not be it's permanent home - the colors are perfect for the beach (where I need quilts) so it will be living on the guest room bed over there - that's a bed Bailey does not get on.
It looks like it's pieced doesn't it? Well, it's all cross-stitched on white fabric blocks which were then sewn together, then the entire quilt hand-quilted. The light green points on each large block are full of french knots - oh my gosh - I would have gone nuts making all those french knots.
I need to call Diane to find out the details on this quilt so I can embroider a cloth label to put on the back. Apparently the husband of one of the ladies did the majority of the cross-stitch work, he was ill but he could stitch, he passed away recently. I need to document this so years after I'm gone someone will have the details - hopefully another quilt lover. What a treasure.


  1. That is so beautiful - my hand was reaching out to the computer screen to touch it.

  2. breathtaking! truly a treasure.

  3. Beautiful! It represents so many hours of love, what a treasure!

  4. You lucky stiff! Congrats and I know that beauty will be loved and cared for for many many years. Such amazing work!

  5. What a treasure. I like that fact that you will document the quilt with a label.

  6. Imagine the time spent on all the stitching! Those women put so much care into it. The wife of the man must have loved doing the quilting and seeing her husband's beautiful work with each stitch.

  7. Oh, Cindie! This quilt is AMAZING!!!! It's hard to believe that it's stitched. I'm so glad you won it!


  8. Hey, you, the quilt is very nice and Gary and I are very glad that you got it. Just remember the will thing that we talked about.
    Me from Idaho


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