
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Learning so much the brain hurts....

There were pictures to go with this post but I accidently deleted them before of the AVL warping wheel process.Oh well, if you want to see one in action there's a video on the AVL website - go to Resources, Library and then click on Video - there are a couple there. You don't need an AVL to use this wheel - any loom will work, sectional or not.

Lesson learned today - put the warping wheel raddle top on the raddle before moving it to the front of the warping wheel...not a good thing to have all 60 warp ends for a 2" section fall out....leads to a tangled mess winding it on the back beam. I think that section may have been wound on tighter due to my error.

Lesson #2 learned - print out the draft before threading to catch any errors, for some reason it's easier to spot them in print than on the screen...luckily I figured this one out on the first warp so I fixed the errors before winding the warp today.

I think I like the warping wheel, I only put on a 12 yard warp since it was my first time. I think I could have wound and beamed it faster using a warping board but I'll get better at it, I was already getting faster by the time I got to the third 2" section.

If anyone uses one of these I do have one question. When I've finished winding a section and cut the warp, tie an overhand knot in preparation for beaming I find the ends aren't even when I move the raddle to the front of the wheel. It stands to reason because the first ones wound travel further to get through the slots on the raddle. Should I be waiting to tie my knot after I move the raddle? Or actually re-tie it because heaven forbid I drop it not tied! I don't know yet if this will affect this warp, possibly not at all, will find out after I finished weaving the 4 scarves. Speaking of which I also had a picture of the woven sample but that was deleted too.

Gourmet dinner tonight - Kettle Cooked Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper Chips and a Diet Mug Rootbeer. I rarely eat chips and am not much of a soda drinker. Sam had a very late lunch at a golf tournament so no cooking tonight.


  1. Your loom doesn't make much sense to me but I do understand the basic process, but without the computer aid. I'm learning at a much more primitive level, as in - shake hands with your racket.

  2. LOL, Gene has numerous meetings some weeks, so isn't home for dinner. I've been known to have ice cream and a beer. I wish I knew the answer to your question about the warping wheel, but I don't. I had my own headaches winding a warp on yesterday. Sharon did with her warp too I read, so maybe it's a mars in retrograde and we should all stay away from the looms for a day or two! ;) Thank you for a great answer about the embroidery question. I understand perfectly what you wrote.
    And thank you for that fab sample. I will be using it on a sewing project you can be sure. It's SO beautiful.

  3. I tie the bout loosely--just to keep the ends for pulling through the reed--before moving the reed. Once the reed is moved, I tug on the ends and tie an overhand knot, and attach the bout to the string on the sectional beam.

  4. I like to live on the wild side with my WW. After I'm done winding, I put the top on the raddle. I cut the threads and hold them in one hand. Remove the pin and move the raddle to the front of the wheel, then I pull the warp out and tie the knot. If you're going to do it that way, make sure you keep ahold of those ends when you move the raddle. If I weren't such a rebel, I'd make a slipknot right after I cut them, then undo the slipknot and make the real knot after I moved the raddle.

  5. Thank you both Janet and Restless Knitter. I will definitely tie my knot after moving the raddle but until I feel comfortable with it I'll probably tie a temporary slipknot or tie the ends for the move. Now I'm anxious to get weaving so I can wind another warp soon.


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