
Monday, February 6, 2012

I should have known...

I should have known that the warp put on Saturday using the warping wheel might have some issues....there was that first section that pulled out of the little raddle (because I didn't put the top on it) that tangled and pulled so it wound on tighter than the other sections. Then there was my question on the length of warp from one end of the raddle to the other which was answered in comments to my last post by Restless Knitter and Janet (thank you!). I was trying to follow the warping wheel instructions, they never addressed this issue, neither did the online video. I had a bad feeling about it, should have paid more attention to my intuition. So, after 6" of the first scarf the tension was wack-a-doo.....I can't ever remember having tension issues since I started weaving in 1986. So, I cut off that piece and called it my sample, pulled a number of yards of the warp forward to where I thought the tension all looked equal, wound it back on, tied on the front and started weaving. Phew!

First scarf woven, no tension issues so far, another pattern from the Complex Weavers Greatest Hits book with a few changes on my part. While weaving I kept looking at the area between the bands thinking what could I design to put in those - this only used 24 of the 40 harnesses so I could put all kinds of designs in those spaces....will work on those later after I spend time learning the software, right now just learning what I need to know to do what I want to the seat of my pants.


  1. I'm not sure if the picture is the problem piece or your new scarf that's going well. Either way, I think it's beautiful! :-)

  2. Oh boy, the headaches, the trial and errors BUT, even I who has 8 shafts and only uses 4 of those quite often is looking longingly at that scarf and wishing for more, much more...
    I know I would never go a computerized loom, but those mechanical dobbies have a certainly allure all their own...

  3. I started out with 10 harnesses back in 1986 and have always wanted more design possibilities. I think the mechanical dobby could be very fun but is limited in the number of picks in your design since you can only have so many 'cards'.

    This is the start of the new scarf...hopefully tension remains good for the remaining three.

  4. The scarf is gorgeous! I "only" have 16 shafts but seeing that makes me think I should pick up the CW Greatest Hits book.

  5. The scarf is gorgeous and I love the colors you've put together, but then color is your thing. I'm with Theresa, I've never even tied up my other four harnesses. I have a lazy side.


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