
Friday, February 2, 2024

A pile of hats

My goal this week was to get the first bag of hats delivered for those that could use them, those who are living in tents and cars in our community.  Finding out where to deliver was a bit difficult but then I read in a city email update where 2 shelters were opening tomorrow since the temp will be 32 or lower.  I called UCAN (United Community Action Network) and they were thrilled with the prospect of getting hats so I delivered them to their office this afternoon.  After getting home I knit 3 more beanie style hats and will continue to knit more fitting them in-between other activities with hopes I'll have another bag full soon.  I put tags on them with sizing, yarn content and a note saying they're reversible, often with different colors on the other side. There's another organization opening a shelter, it's doctor's and nurses who go out to help the homeless, but all I've found out so far is there's a facebook page and I'm one of the minority who is not on facebook so I can't message them. I'll be working on finding out how to get in touch with them.

I also knit a hat for a friend who had stopped by - she picked out these colors - she'll get it next time I see her. I like this color combo too. 


  1. On one hand I commend you for your generosity with both your time and materials; and on the other I'm saddened that in 2024 there are still folks without residential security in North America. There is far too much wealth in the hands of far too few in our society.

  2. How can I contact you about a towel pattern: Sunflowers -2013/05?

    1. The pattern is from Weaver's Craft magazine - Issue 17.

  3. So awesome you are knitting these hats for the homeless!!!!!!❤️


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