
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Knit, knit, purl...........

A couple weeks ago I went through my (huge) stash of knitting yarn and came across a big skein of Mushishi by Plymouth yarn - 95/% wool/5% silk. This was all because a friend requested cute hats for a friend who lost her hair from chemo. So, I made the hat and it went off to it's new home. But I had quite a bit of this huge skein left and loved how the hat turned out so much I decided to knit another one, and then a pair of fingerless mitts. I was thinking I'd keep this for myself but now am not sure as I don't wear hats often so I think it will go in the 'gift box'. I know a couple people right off the top of my head who would love this set. 

I haven't been posting as often, just haven't had much to share and wonder sometimes how many really read it or, I'll just post once in a while and see how it goes. I spent the day at the embroidery machine yesterday - pix to come of new celtic/st patricks day towels.........once I edit them, that is..........

First snow of the season overnight, much has already melted off. Up in the mountains they got more and there's even a rumor that the ski resort in the region will finally open this weekend. We are lacking in rain and snow this fall/winter.


  1. We read Cindie and would miss your posts terribly! LOVE the hat and mitts. I'm wondering why I picked up the godzilla green mushi when it was out instead of that color!

  2. I would miss you terribly. I have purchased from you from your blog and read you whenever you have a post. You help to inspire me and keep my energy flowing. Weaving, mostly, but spinning and needle felting, too. Please don't stop blogging.

    1. Thank you Terry - I need a kick in the butt right now to get back to weaving but first I need to compose my boundweave handout.

  3. Your blog is one of my favorites! I love hearing about your process and thoughts on projects, as well as seeing pictures. Hearing about your weather and the impact on people helps me keep my Central Florida weather in perspective. We don't get an Irma every year, and the fire concerns are much more of an annual event for you.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE that hat and fingerless mitts!

    1. Thank you Nancy, I appreciate your comments.

  4. I would also miss keeping up with your weaving, coast travels, etc. Please continue.

    1. Thanks Lynne. I sure have missed seeing you at festivals/conferences lately, seems like one or the other of us aren't at them anymore.

  5. I read regularly, too, and comment often. While I would miss your posts, I totally understand needing to make decisions about how we spend our time. When we're in front of the computer, we're not weaving, knitting, spinning, reading, or spending time with family. I wonder periodically about the value. My personal reality is that my blog helps ME - I find myself often returning to get details on a project I'd like to re-create - or NOT re-create, in the case of less-than-desirable outcomes. Facebook....not so much. I definitely need to spend less time there.

    1. Thanks Peg. Cutting back on posting has been better and I like to post as long as someone is reading it. I won't even go to Facebook - just can't bring myself to it - missing out on lots of family/friend pictures but I can't stand the ugliness there so I stay away.


I love your comments - thank you!