
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

This and that.......

Still not accomplishing much but that's ok - it's my life, I can do what I want..........most of the time.  Friday morning I drove 5 miles up the road to the Hugo Ladies Quilt Show - always a fun event with quilts on display inside the historic one room schoolhouse, lunch including home made pie for sale, vendors and music outside.  It was too hard to get photos of many quilts this year so I only took a few pix.

I love this quilt pattern and the colors. I'm impressed with the curves and points in it - construction was incredible.

This was one of the quilts by the featured quilter - she had many quilts I loved but this old fashion one with the applique really struck me.

And although not my favorite colors put together I always love a good hexie quilt.

After some time in the morning at the quilt show we took off for the coast for 4 days - the weather was glorious. These are raccoon prints on the beach - wondering if they're just out enjoying the surf & sand or maybe eating some of those crabs washed ashore.

Yesterday I did finish knitting the shawl I recently started on - if I'm feeling up to dealing with it today I'll get it blocked. Maybe I'll get some sewing in today. Pix to come when it's camera ready. Tempting to start another shawl or play on the blending board but first need to work on some gifts.

Once again more tragedy in the news - the devastating fires in California - my heart goes out to all affected and I'm sending positive thoughts that the firefighters get them under control soon.


  1. Oh such pretty quilts. I was in spinzilla frenzy. I'm sick of spinning for the moment.
    You know sometimes I wonder if we're just not getting a whole bunch of bad karma for electing such an asshat.

  2. My personal fav is the first quilt. The colors, the curves, the gracefulness.

    Can't wait to see your shawl.


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