
Thursday, August 17, 2017

The county fair........

Here's our display at the county fair - we sit in a circle in front of it spinning every day, all day long and have a great time visiting with the public. Everything on display is made of handspun or felted wool. I took this photo set up day so the fleeces were still closed up - now they're opened up, judged and ribbons adorning some of them.

So, I've been trying my best (ha!) to not think about fires but new ones pop up every single day. There were a couple new ones yesterday, thankfully put out quickly. Late this afternoon I walked out to my car after a day of demonstrating and looked to the right to see huge smoke plumes, then looked to the left and saw big smoke plumes. I figured the ones to the right were the Chetco Bar Fire exploding - it's been burning since mid July. I quickly checked online to see what was happening to the left. Fire right off the highway, where I was planning on heading, copters and planes flying and dumping, ground resources hard at work fighting the fire, homes nearby. Didn't take me but a second to change my plan to make a quick stop at that end of town to pick up something for dinner and just head home in the opposite direction.

At least 6 more weeks of fire season, not the official end, but maybe there will be some rain by then to lessen the chance of wildfires..........I may have an ulcer by October!


  1. Terrific display! Is the cat bed felted? Are the framed pictures with yarn all different sheep breeds? What a nice idea. I demo for my weaving guild and am always looking for new ways to explain things.

    I'm so sorry about your fire worries. We have hurricane season in Florida, which is very scary when we have one headed our way, but it's not like having nearby fires every day for weeks and months.

    1. Yes, the cat bed is felted - one of my spinning group friends made it. She said it was a lot of work.

      The display board is one I made at least 15 years ago. I mounted the photos on foam core which I then adhered to the board. I have sheep, llamas, goats, silk worms, etc on it - I even included one of our golden retrievers with a small spun skein of her coat. There is a spun sample for each photo. The public loves looking at it, especially when they see a dog. We had to start hanging it out of curious hands because it was starting to get too worn - way too many hands at the fair. Another spinner has a cat hat - she spun her cat's coat and knit a hat - that's a big attraction when she shows it to people.

      I feel for you with hurricane season, I'm originally from the east coast and have lived through many. Stay safe.

  2. Good grief! Was that all one year's output just by you? Wow. I need more fun time.

    1. Oh it's not all mine, I have quite a number of pieces hanging up there but they weren't all done this past year, only a few are new. I always bring extra to fill in our display if needed.

  3. That display is gorgeous, such beautiful work. I am sending thoughts of rain to you. Have a good weekend.

  4. I'm in your court when it comes to fire season. The rains can't come soon enough! Your fair area looks really inviting, nicely done.

  5. How fun! The fair...not the fires! I sure hope you get rain soon!


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