
Friday, August 11, 2017

SW Oregon on fire

We've had thunderstorms in our region for days which means now there are fires being chased down all over the area. It's scary out there. I'm back from a few days on the coast and in addition to be welcomed back by the smoke and heat I'm welcomed back to fires close by. It's tough to find the latest info on the fires but I think these planes were heading to the Shan Creek Fire just to the west of us. They've been flying over the house - anywhere from 2 to 4 retardant bomber planes one right after the other. I just ran out on the deck to get these pix. I couldn't get them all in one photo but snapped them one after another.
The first bomber over the house..........

.........seconds later, bomber #2............

..........and here's bomber #3.

They'll be coming back over the house in a few minutes heading back to the airport to pick up another load of retardant. The report is that there's a woman pilot leading the planes in to the fire.

I know the forest road this fire is off of but I don't know the exact location of the fire to know how close it is to homes.......and to us. I'm hoping with all the resources on this fire that they get it under control before it becomes a real problem to all of us living over here to the west of the city. Each time they fly over the house I'm sending positive thoughts up their way to stay safe, as well as all the fire fighters on the ground. With all the fires in our region they're doing an incredible job of knocking them down while they're still relatively small.

On the fiber front - not much happening here in the way of weaving, spinning or knitting. It's just too danged hot to get much done.

Morning update - I finally saw an update that was posted late last night. As I thought it is the Shan Creek fire close to us but these planes are not the retardant ones, they are super scooper fixed wing water dumping planes. I'm not sure where they're scooping up the water but it explains the quick turnaround time to the fire, they don't have to get all the way back to the airport. Much of the Rogue River would not work for a plane coming down low to scoop so maybe a lake/reservoir? Or maybe there is a spot in the river that will work....I'd love to hear those details. Word is that they'll be back in the air in addition to the copters fighting the fire today along with the ground crews. I'm anxious to hear the morning update which may not show up online for a few hours.


  1. Cindie, I have to say we've had a llot of flight activity too but mostly spotter planes.
    I'm about done with fire season too and this hot weather. Although I can't complain about the humidity. It has been higher and has made my sinuses and the forest in general a wee bit happier.

    1. I finally saw a report that came in last night about this fire - it is Shan Creek, which I had guessed, the planes are the super scoopers fixed wing water dumping planes rather than the retardant ones. They'll be back at it today.

  2. I hope no lives are lost. Sending positive thoughts.

  3. Just spent 5 days living in a friend's backyard, my horses at a strange rodeo grounds, while 80,000 acres of my county burned. I don't have the energy to clean the ash off everything, but at least I still have my house. May the fires stay far away from you, and may everyone stay safe.

    1. I'm glad you're safe Carol and so glad your home is still there. We've been lucky so far not to have a big fire this summer, they've been able to jump on them quickly with lots of air support. I just now heard the first plane of the morning go over........


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