
Monday, January 9, 2017


I cry uncle - enough is enough - yesterday we had tons of rain but it only melted a bit of the snow. We are expecting floods but.......'s snowing again this's supposed to be raining at our elevation. Not sure if you can see those gigantic flakes in this photo. Those tire tracks are from Sam's truck when he's slid down to the road to get the mail, they now have 3" of solid ice in them and we still have a foot of snow on the ground.

This is what Bailey does when he thinks I'm not watching - he was outside my sewing room window (sorry for the screen that dulls the pic)......boy, this snow feels just as good to roll around in as the sand on the beach feels......

.....oh yeah.....this is great........ to bury my nose in the snow......

......and Mom wonders why I come in the house all wet........

.....did I just hear a squirrel?.............

Since today is another snow day I'll be spending my time taking photos of scarves and towels for my etsy shop and then doing some sewing. I've got a couple more audio books to listen to so I'll start one of those while working in the studio. This past week I've listened to 3 audio books and read one book in addition to weaving, knitting, spinning, embroidering and sewing........I have to admit being snowed in has its benefits............

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