
Friday, December 9, 2016

Whoo Hoo!!!!

Today my Inglenook Fibers 12 Days of Christmas Spin-a-long arrived in the mail.  The rules are it is not to be opened until Christmas Day and then to spin one packet a day - the packets are numbered. I opened the shipping box but that's as far as I'm going to go until Christmas Day........I hope. I'll have to hide it away so I won't be tempted to sneak a peek or start spinning.
This is what it looks like

Here's the label. The fiber colors are based on this illustration. I can't wait to see the progression of color. This is my first time for the 12 Days SAL but my friend Cathy did it last year and the color progression was incredible.

There are 3 of us that I know of in my spinning group that got in on this limited offering so the goal is to spin it up, however we choose, make something, and then we'll all put it in our county fair display next year. It will be a fun challenge. It was available with sparkle or without - I chose without, the other 2 chose with. I'm already thinking I might need to ply it with some fine silk or rayon to make it go farther.

If Inglenook does this again next year and you're interested you'll have to keep up with goings on in their forum on Ravelry next fall to get in on it - it's not something they put up for sale in their etsy shop. When we heard the date for sign-ups we were right there on Ravelry to get in on it.

Now, I need to step away from the box and try to ignore it for over 2 weeks - yikes - now that's a challenge.


  1. How flipping fun is that! I am going to be stalking them for next year. I have had my Matchless out and working these past couple of weeks, finally. :-)

  2. :-)
    I'm not a spinner, but would have the same challenge of walking away if it were weaving. Or sock knitting.


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