
Sunday, October 16, 2016

Weaving towels......

Today was the perfect day to wind a warp and start weaving on a new towel warp.......old pattern, false damask as someone has requested a custom order of blue towels, the rest will be holiday gifts. Why was the perfect day? We're on our 4th day of raining pitchforks and shovels. Oregon can get rain but it's usually not flooding rains, it's usually light rain. I've been loving it - Friday was the official end of fire season until sometime next June - whoo hoo.  Perfect weather to weave, knit and cook soups in the crockpot......lentil soup on the menu for this evening. Life is long as we don't lose power - the high winds predicted didn't materialize so we're safe so far from power outages and fallen trees on the acreage. A stream is running in the ravine along the side of the house, water rushing through the culvert part way down the drive.........Bailey is fascinated with all that rushing water and doesn't seem to care that we, as in me or Sam, get drenched out on these walks.


  1. So false damask....not a structure I've woven. In the photo it looks rather like either crackle or turned taquete. Or maybe 8H twill blocks. Can you share the draft you use, and more importantly, why you like this structure?


    1. It reminds me of 8H twill blocks - rather than twill in the blocks it's a false damask. It's a one shuttle weave. I wove this structure years ago and just came back to it this summer - I'll probably move on again after this warp. Yes, I'd be more than happy to share the draft - when I get some time this week I'll post it to the blog.


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